Designer Series Displays

Our Designer Series Displays redefine how area rugs are showcased. Perfectly engineered to hold full-size, hand-knotted area rugs, these displays blend style with functionality. Tailored for locations with low ceiling constraints, they ensure your exquisite rugs capture the attention they deserve.

Choose from 20/30 and 40 arm models, each capable of elegantly displaying two 6’ x 9’, 8’ x 10’, and 9’ x 12’ rugs per arm. The sleek, low-profile arms of the display eliminate the need for ladders and traditional rug clips, ensuring a seamless and accessible presentation.

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Freestanding Curved Arm Area Rug Displays

Elevate your rug presentation with our Freestanding Curved Arm Area Rug Displays. These beautifully crafted units provide useful solutions for rug showcasing in addition to a striking visual appeal. Their unique curved arm design not only adds an aesthetic edge but also ensures that each rug is displayed prominently and securely, inviting admiration and engagement from viewers.

Designed for Low Ceiling Heights

Low ceilings are no longer a limitation with our displays. Each unit is crafted with a focus on accommodating spaces with lower vertical clearances. This thoughtful design ensures that your rugs are displayed prominently, without compromising on space or style. Embrace the beauty of your rugs in any setting, be it a cozy boutique or a compact exhibition area.

Custom Configurations Available

We understand that every space is unique. That’s why we offer custom configurations for our rug displays. Whether you require specific dimensions, arm counts, or a unique design to fit your space and style, our team is ready to create a solution that aligns perfectly with your needs. Let us help you turn your vision into reality.

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Comes With Our Custom SC-6 Spring Clips

Every display is equipped with our custom SC-6 spring clips. These innovative clips are the cornerstone of our displays, ensuring that your rugs are secured with ease and elegance. They provide a firm grip without compromising the integrity of the rugs, making the process of changing and arranging displays effortless. The SC-6 spring clips are a testament to our commitment to quality and functionality.

Specs and Measurements

Description Model
6’ x 9’ carpets, 20 arms FSC-690-20
6’ x 9’ carpets, 30 arms FSC-690-30
6’ x 9’ carpets, 40 arms FSC-690-40
8’ x 10’ carpets, 20 arms FSC-810-20
8’ x 10’ carpets, 30 arms FSC-810-30
8’ x 10’ carpets, 40 arms FSC-810-40
9’ x 12’ carpets, 20 arms FSC-912-20
9’ x 12’ carpets, 30 arms FSC-912-30
9’ x 12’ carpets, 40 arms FSC-912-40
Arm Size Arms A B C F H
6 x 9’ 20 15’-6” 6’-5” 6’-7” 6’-9” 7’-6”
30 19’ 9’-5” 6’-7” 6’-9” 7’-6”
40 22’ 12’-5” 6’-7” 6’-9” 7’-6”
8 x 10’ 20 18’-6” 6’-5” 8’-8” 8’-9” 9’-6”
30 21’ 9’-5” 8’-8” 8’-9” 9’-6”
40 24’ 12’-5” 8’-8” 8’-9” 9’-6”
9 x 12’ 20 19’-6” 6’-5” 9’-8” 9’-9” 10’-6”
30 22’ 9’-5” 9’-8” 9’-9” 10’-6”
40 26’ 12’-5” 9’-8” 9’-9” 10’-6”


Frequently asked questions

Our Designer Series Displays are specifically engineered to accommodate full-size, hand-knotted area rugs. They are versatile enough to showcase a variety of rug sizes including 6’ x 9’, 8’ x 10’, and 9’ x 12’. The design ensures that each rug, regardless of its dimensions, is displayed prominently and securely.

Absolutely! We understand that every space has its unique requirements. Our Freestanding Curved Arm Area Rug Displays are customizable to suit different dimensions and styles. Whether you need a specific size, number of arms, or a unique design to match your space, our team is ready to create a custom solution that meets your specific needs.

Our custom SC-6 spring clips are designed to secure rugs effortlessly while maintaining their aesthetic integrity. These clips provide a firm grip, ensuring that the rugs remain in place without causing any damage or alterations to their weave. This feature makes it easy to change and arrange displays, offering a perfect blend of security and simplicity in showcasing your rugs.

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